Vision: The Winstead Avenue Elementary School Library’s vision is to offer a welcoming and supportive learning environment that encourages a lifelong passion for reading and learning, promotes global and digital citizenship and fosters 21 st century learning for all students.
Mission: Winstead Avenue Elementary School Library is a place where students develop a love of reading. Our purpose is to serve students, staff and the community by providing the resources needed to help students become successful lifelong learners.

K-2 students at Winstead Avenue Elementary attend regularly scheduled weekly library sessions. When students visit the library for their regularly scheduled time, they first have a library lesson that integrates multiple literacies. They then go to one of eight Makerspace centers designed to encourage creativity, collaboration, investigation, and problem solving. While in centers, students also check out library books. The library collection contains almost 9,000 resources.

Meagan Bartholomew, Media Coordinator