It’s been a very busy week at the Book Fair but there are still lots of great books!! We will be open tonight during Curriculum Night from 5-6. We will be open for our last day tomorrow from 7:30-12:00 so feel free to come shop with your kiddos when you drop them off in the morning! Thank you for all of the support this week!

The Book Fair is open and the kids are already loving it!! We will be open 8:30-3:30 Monday through Thursday this week. The Book Fair will close at 12:00 on Friday. Feel free to come shop with your kiddos, send cash with them to school or load money on to their eWallet! Thanks for supporting our school!! Link to add money to eWallet accounts: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/winsteadavenueelemschool1

Book Fair Volunteers Needed!!
If you have signed up to be a volunteer, we would love to have your help next week at the Book Fair!! Our lovely PTO has created a sign up sheet. Here is the link:
Thanks in advance for your help!

ONE week away!!! The Book Fair is so close and we are getting excited!! I see some kiddos already have their eWallet set up and are ready to start shopping!! Don't forget you can visit our Book Fair homepage and get your child's eWallet set up today!

The World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser has come to an end. All money must be turned in on Monday , February 24th for your child to receive credit. We are unable to accept candy bars that were not sold. You must turn in $60 for the whole box. Thank you for helping our school .

Due to inclement weather, all traditional Nash County Public Schools will be closed for students on Friday, February 21, 2025. Staff should follow telework procedures.
All Innovative Schools, CITI High School and Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School, will operate on a remote learning schedule.
Additionally, all evening activities, including after-school care and athletics, have been canceled.
We appreciate your understanding as we prioritize the safety of our students, staff, and community. Please stay safe during this time.
For real-time information, please click the following link: https://www.ncpschools.net/page/emergency-landing-page

The Book Fair is coming soon!!! March 3-7! You can go ahead and get your child's eWallet set up today by following this link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/winsteadavenueelemschool1
Setting up an eWallet is the easiest way for your child to shop and you won't have to send any cash with them. Let Mrs. B know if you have any questions! Looking forward to another awesome Book Fair!! :)

Good evening,
Our PTO will sell WAVE T-shirts and sweatshirts in the car line tomorrow at 2:15 p.m. You can pay in cash or via the Cash App. Have a great evening!

Good afternoon,
This message informs you that we conducted two safety drills today: a fire drill and a lockdown with police. All students and staff were safe. Thank you, and have a great evening.

Good evening, our World's Finest chocolate candy bar fundraiser kicked off today! Our students are excited. Permission slips to sell were sent home today; candy bars will be passed out to students on Tuesday with a returned signed slip. However, if your student rides the bus in the afternoon, parents must come to the school and pick up their candy by 4:30 p.m. I hope you have a great evening. See you tomorrow.

Good evening, parents and guardians. This is Mrs. Kelley, the Assistant Principal of Winstead Elementary, with this week's WAVE message.
The PTO Mom's breakfast has been postponed—more details will come later.
DLI applications for Kindergarten are now being accepted. You can find the link on our school website or come by the school to complete an application. Students are chosen on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you did not pick up your child's report card on Friday, it will go home with the students on Monday.
Join us for a Multilingual Training Session for Guardians to learn about Rooms, our communication platform connecting families with teachers, and school updates.
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Location: Winstead Avenue Elementary Media Center
Intent letters were given out on January 16 to students interested in being cheerleaders. They must be returned by January 27. Students can't try out unless they have an intent letter on file. Tryouts are January 27th and 30th.
For safety, please do not let your child out of the car down the carpool line. Students are not safe running along the side. If your child is in the car line at 8:00, they are tardy, and you must come in and sign them in. Breakfast will end at 8:05 for any student coming in tardy unless they are a bus rider. If you want your child to eat breakfast, please have them here between 7:20 and 8:00 am. Remember, students miss valuable lessons because they are late for school. Parents, if you pick your child up early from school, between 12:30 and 2:30, you must park in the staff parking lot near the buses. The pick-up line starts around 12:30.
Parents' school dismisses at 3:00, but several students are still here from 3:45 to 4:00 and later. Please arrive close to 3:00 to pick your children up. Students are tired, and sometimes, my staff have meetings they must attend after school.
Thank you. Enjoy your evening. We will see your wonderful children bright and early on tomorrow morning.

Good evening,
I hope everyone has enjoyed our snow day! The PTO would like to share that the Mom's Breakfast has been postponed due to Friday's delay. Additional information will be provided in the upcoming week. Stay warm, and have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, January 23, 2025 will be a Remote Learning Day for all of Nash County Public Schools (NCPS). Remote learning assignments may be accessed through Canvas, Google Classroom or other communication from your child’s teachers or principal. Office hours will also be offered by teachers if permissible. Please look for detailed information in Rooms and/or your student’s learning management system.
NCPS has procedures in place to ensure students are not negatively affected if they are unable to complete tasks due to a lack of technology, power, or other challenges. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s teacher(s).
Friday, January 24, 2025: All NCPS schools will operate on a two-hour delay due to the potential for icy road conditions. Breakfast will be available at schools. Students may be dropped off 40 minutes prior to the start of their school day. Essential personnel should report at their regular time, provided it is safe to do so.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we prioritize the safety and success of our students.
For real-time information, please click the following link https://www.ncpschools.net/page/emergency-landing-page

Good evening, parents and guardians. This is Mrs. Kelley, the Assistant Principal of Winstead Elementary, with this week's WAVE message.
School is closed on Monday, January 20, for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Day. We also have two workdays on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21st -and 22nd—with no school for students.
The PTO will hold a Mom's breakfast in the multipurpose room on Friday, January 24, from 7:00 to 8:00 am.
DLI applications for Kindergarten are now being accepted. You can find the link on our school website or come by the school to fill out an application. Students are chosen on a first-come, first-served basis.
Report card pick-up and conference sign-up will be in the multipurpose room on January 24, 2025, from 3:30 to 5:00. Please park in the staff parking lot next to the bus lot and enter from the side with the solid teal-colored doors.
Join us for a Multilingual Training Session for Guardians to learn about Rooms, our communication platform connecting families with teachers, and school updates.
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Location: Winstead Avenue Elementary Media Center
Intent letters were given out on January 16 to students interested in being cheerleaders and must be returned by January 24. Students can't try out if they do not have an intent letter on file. Tryouts are January 27th and 30th.
For safety, please do not let your child out of the car down the carpool line. Students are not safe running along the side. If your child is in the car line at 8:00, they are tardy, and you must come in and sign them in. Breakfast will end at 8:05 for any student coming in tardy unless they are a bus rider. If you want your child to eat breakfast, please have them here between 7:20 and 8:00 am. Remember, students miss valuable lessons because they are late for school. Parents, if you pick your child up early from school, between 12:30 and 2:30, you must park in the staff parking lot near the buses. The pick-up line starts around 12:30.
Parents' school dismisses at 3:00, but several students are still here from 3:45 to 4:00 and later. Please arrive close to 3:00 to pick your children up. Students are tired, and sometimes, my staff have meetings they must attend after school.
Thank you. Enjoy your evening. We will see your wonderful children bright and early on Thursday morning.

Please join the PTO for the annual Mom's breakfast!