356 just left campus!!!
8 months ago, Winstead Avenue Elementary
We were just notified that bus 356 has mechanical issues. At this time, we do not have a timeframe as to when it will be resolved. If you want to pick your child up, please do so. I will send a message to let you know when the bus leaves campus. We apologize for the inconvenience.
8 months ago, Winstead Avenue Elementary
Hello, This message informs you that Bus 83 will begin running about 20-30 minutes behind schedule to be more in line with the printed bus times. This ensures that all students can be picked up in the morning. Thanks for your understanding.
8 months ago, Winstead Avenue Elementary
Good Evening, If you were unable to attend tonight's curriculum night, please watch the attached video that outlines our students' beginning of year mClass assessment. Families who came out tonight received their child's mClass scores and if you did not come out tonight, your child's scores will be sent home in their weekly folder. Every week, we will be posting videos on how to help your child at home improve their assessment scores. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you would like to have a conference after receiving your child's data. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cx9ZgNzkgXB9LqQgs7_e3u2yaizN8Gd-/view?usp=drive_link
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
We are currently without power, however, our curriculum night will continue. We will adjust the time from 6-6:45pm. We will post everything on our website tomorrow for those who are unable to attend! See you soon!
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Hello!! This message informs you that the following buses do not have a driver 222 and 366 today. Please make arrangements to pick up your student from school. We apologize for any inconvenience.
8 months ago, Winstead Avenue Elementary
Hello!!, This message reminds you that bus 140 doesn't have a driver. Please make arrangements to pick up your student from school. We apologize for any inconvenience.
8 months ago, Winstead Avenue Elementary
Join us for our curriculum night from 6-8pm tomorrow night here at Winstead Avenue Elementary.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Curriculum Night
We can not let today go by without giving a huge shoutout to our amazing custodians! Happy Custodial Appreciation Day!!
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Good Evening Wahoos. I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and enjoyed the nice weather. I cannot believe that the first month of school is already completed. Tomorrow is national Custodial Appreciation Day! We want to give huge shout out to our amazing 4 custodians: Mr. Modlin, Mr. Sessoms, Ms. Opoka, and Mr. Johnson. These are the behind the scenes people that keep our school going. Thank you for ALL that you do! Tuesday night, we hope to see everyone at our school from 6-8pm for our Fall Into Learning Curriculum Night! Our teachers will be handing out your child’s beginning of year assessment data and going over it. They will also be providing tips on how you can help them at home. You will be able to visit up to 3 grade levels and/or meet with someone from our district if you need help with the NCPS rooms app. Each session will last about 35 minutes. This way, if you have students in the different grade levels, you can visit all of them. Last but not least, if you would like to order a Winstead Avenue hoodie from our PTO, the deadline has been extended until tomorrow. Please check our school’s website or the school’s PTO website for ordering information. I hope everyone has a great evening!
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Good Evening Wahoos, This is just a quick reminder that tomorrow is our first Devoted Dads event. We will have three events this year for our fathers and three events for our mothers. Tomorrow starting at 7:20am, we invite our fathers and father figures to come out and eat breakfast with your child and then walk them to class. Please park in the staff parking lot. We also ask that you do not bring other family members with you. This is a time for fathers to bond solely with their children at Winstead Avenue. We look forward to seeing many of you here tomorrow and if you are not able to attend tomorrow, we hope that you can attend the next one. Please look on our school calendar which is located on our school's website for all of our events for this school year. Thank you and have a great evening.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Nash County Public Schools CTE BUSINESS & INDUSTRY ROUNDUP This event is designed to guide students through a progressive journey of exploration and growth. • High School - Our program encourages students to engage their horizons by delving into available internships, and job opportunities, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed in the professional world. • Middle School - As students progress to this stage, they explore various industries - gaining insights into what different businesses entail, how they operate, and the path to get into those positions, helping them envision their future paths. • Elementary School - expose young minds to the world of business - offering hands-on experiences that ignite their curiosity about potential careers. Stepping stones for growth. #NashCountyPublicSchool #NCPS #CTE #ncpschools
8 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
NCPS CTE Business & Industry RoundUp
REMINDER Tonight is Curriculum Night! 9/26 @ Arlington Baptist Church, 1500 Bethlehem Rd, Rocky Mount, NC 27803 For more information visit: https://bit.ly/ncpscurriculumnight
8 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
ncps curriculum night
Good Evening Wahoos, This is a reminder that if your child is a kindergarten student and/or this is your child's first year in the United States, your child is given 30 days to have a physical completed and their immunizations updated. Our school nurse has been in contact with parents. Today was the deadline. If your child does not have their updated physical and immunizations, they are not allowed to attend school until these are completed. Please know that you can go today, from 4pm to 7pm to the Nash County Health Dept. in Nashville and get these completed without an appointment. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Thank you and have a great evening.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Good Evening Wahoos, This is Mrs. Land with your weekly updates for Winstead Avenue. Tomorrow is our CandyMan fundraiser kickoff. Students will be taking home a packet with all the necessary information. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and we hope to have 100% participation. Prize information is forthcoming. This Tuesday night is our district's Curriculum Night at Arlington Baptist Church in Rocky Mount from 6-8pm where district staff from various departments will be available to discuss and answer questions that you may have. Topics are listed on the flyer posted on our website. This Friday is our Devoted Dad's Breakfast. Father/Father figures will be allowed to eat breakfast with their child in the multi-purpose room and/or cafeteria. Then father's may walk their child to class. This is also a reminder that our school curriculum night is Tuesday, October 3rd. Your child's teacher will be going over your child's beginning of year assessments and their academic expectations for this school year. We would love to see everyone at school for this event. Last but certainly not least, I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I hope that you took the time to use last week's incident and turn it into a teachable moment, not just for our kids, but also for us as adults. Please make sure you check your child's bookbag, car, bedroom, and various places to ensure your child's safety along with others. Build a relationship with your kids that allows them to feel comfortable talking to you, and always tell them that they can talk to a staff member at school if they ever see or hear of something that they know is not right. I look forward to seeing our students and staff tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great evening.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
District Curriculum Night
Good Evening Wahoos! This is a reminder that progress reports went home today. My last post said that progress reports went home next week, so I do apologize for sending out the wrong date. I do believe that most teachers sent out the correct date in their weekly messages. Please review your child's progress report, sign it, and return it to your child's teacher as soon as possible. Also, tomorrow is an early release day. Students will get out of school at 1pm. Late check out will be at 12:30pm. If your child is a bus rider, please be at the bus stop 2 hours earlier than normal. Thank you all for an another great week!
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
Friendly Reminder! NCPS CURRICULUM NIGHT September 26th @ Arlington Baptist Church September 28th @ Momeyer Baptist Church 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The following stations will be available so parents and/or guardians can obtain more info about NCPS: • Pre-k, Elementary, and Secondary Curriculums • Advanced Programs • Exceptional Children (EC) • English Language Learner (ELL) • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) • Career and Technical Education (CTE) • Laptops • Parent Portal & Rooms App Help! • Lunch Forms
8 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
c nights
Good afternoon and happy Wednesday! WAVE PTO is selling crewneck sweatshirts and accepting pre-orders for the next two weeks. Orders can be placed electronically through the link below OR by paper order forms will be sent home today. Payments can be made through CashApp ($WAVEPTO) or cash. All money and forms need to be clearly labeled with information identifying the student and teacher for delivery. Kids sizes - $20 Adult sizes - $25 Last day to order - Sept 29 Orders will be delivered 6-8 weeks after pre-order window ends. https://docs.google.com/.../1KbCSccCJvVOMv7A7oA_K6UeMYQF... This is the design on the front of the sweatshirts. We are happy to offer the sweatshirt in two colors - purple and gray. We also now are offering sizes up to 4x.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
sweatshirt design
Good Evening Wahoos! It has been a wonderful week! We have been able to get a lot of students added to buses this week and students and staff now seem to be in the groove of things. I know I have said it before, but I am truly excited about this school year! This message is to inform everyone of some important upcoming events. -This Friday is early release, meaning our students get out of school at 1pm. Please be at your child's bus stop 2 hours earlier than normal. -On Sept. 26th, our district is having a curriculum night from 6-8pm at Arlington Baptist Church in Rocky Mount. I will post flyers to our website. -Progress Reports go home on Sept. 27th. -We have a devoted dads breakfast scheduled for Friday, September 29th. Dads can come eat breakfast with their child. Breakfast will be from 7:20am to 8am. -October 3rd, we will have our "Fall Into Learning" Curriculum Night at the school from 6-8pm. You will receive your child's beginning of year assessment scores and ways to help your child become more successful and prepared for their end of year assessments. Parents, please know that on our school's website, under "calendars", you can see all of our planned events from now until the end of the year, including field day and awards day. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I hope to see many of you at our upcoming events. Have a great evening.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary
District Curriculum Night
Good Afternoon, If you have a child who rides bus 230 in the morning, they now have a bus driver for the afternoon. Their afternoon bus will be bus 356. They will ride 230 in the morning and 356 in the afternoons. IF you want this to start today for your child, please contact the school by 2:30pm. If we do not hear from you, your child will be put in the car line. We still do not have a bus driver for bus 143 at this time. Thank you and have a great evening.
8 months ago, Coopers Elementary